Evergreen Holds Process Presentation 2022-03-03

Evergreen Holds and Baskets v. 5.25.2022 (printable)


Sign in with your AD/Evergreen username in the format firstname.lastname@westchesterlibraries.org and password to view

Evergreen Hold Essentials


Hold Types

Title Holds

  1. To place a title-level hold, retrieve the title record on the catalog and click the Place Hold link beside the title on the search results list, or click the Place Hold link on the title summary screen.
  2. Scan or type patron’s barcode into the Place hold for patron by barcode box, or choose Place this hold for me.
  3. If this title contains multiple parts, you can specify which part to request. If you do not select a part, the hold will target any of the other copies on this record, that is, those with no parts attached. Those copies are usually the complete set, containing all the parts.
  4. Edit patron hold notification and expiration date fields as required. Be sure to choose a valid Pickup location.
  5. Click Submit.

Search results screen with hold button to the right side of each record

Meta-Record Holds

Selecting multiple formats will not place all of these formats on hold. For example, selecting CD Audiobook and Book implies that either the CD format or the book format is the acceptable format to fill the hold. If no format is selected, then any of the available formats may be used to fill the hold. The same holds true for selecting multiple languages.

Item Holds

If a particular copy is needed, place a Copy Hold.

In the Title Record Item Table, on the item detail line, select ​Item Hold. The Place Hold Form opens. The hold(s) display at the bottom of the screen with the Holds Status Hold Pending.Item informationin the item table

Call Number Holds

The Place Hold Form

  1. Scan patron barcode ID or search for patron to find ID.
    **DO NOT USE “Place hold for this staff account.​” It is ​associated with a staff transactional account and will not work.
  2. Verify the pickup location. The pickup location of staff placed holds is the workstation location.
  3. To suspend the hold,
    1. click the Suspend hold checkbox
    2. enter a date in YYYY/MM/DD format or use the calendar to create an Activation Date.
  4. Verify Notifications. Notifications will follow the patron default preferences (set by staff or patron account). ​Phone numbers must be entered WITHOUT spaces or dashes. Email addresses must be in lowercase format.
    1. Multiple notification methods are available.
    2. Making changes here creates a one-time variation to the patron’s defaults.
  5. Click Place hold.

Hold form with hold information and notification fields

Placing Multiple Holds Using a Basket

Adding titles to a basket will allow you to act on multiple items at once.

In one or more title results lists,

  1. For each desired title in a results list, click the box next to the cover art to select it. This will add it to your basket.
    In the Basket Actions drop down menu, Add All Search Results will add all of the results in a search results list or a single title if you are on the Title Record page.
  2. From the Basket Actions dropdown, choose Place Holds. The Place Hold Form will open, listing all titles.


Follow steps 1 – 5 above.
“Clear basket” will remove items after holds are placed. This prevents duplicate holds.

Note: From the title record detail display, use the Add All Titles option in the Basket dropdown.

Other basket actions

  • View basket allows those items to be filtered
  • Print Titles
  • Email Titles
  • Add basket to bucket allows ​title (bibliographic) records​ to be modified, deleted

Hold Maintenance

Holds can be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons. Before holds are captured, staff or patrons can suspend them or set them as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position, activate suspended holds, phone number, pick-up location (for multi-branch libraries only), expiration date, activation date for inactive holds, etc. Once a hold is captured, staff can change the pickup location and extend the hold shelf time if required.

Staff can edit holds in either patron’s records or the title records. Patrons can edit their holds in their account on the OPAC.

Capture Holds

NOTE: A captured hold with a status of On Hold Shelf can be cancelled by either staff or patrons. But the status of the item will not change until staff check it in

Pulling & Capturing Holds

Holds Pull List

There are usually four statuses a hold may have: Waiting for Copy, Waiting for Capture, In Transit and Ready for Pickup.

  1. Waiting-for-copy: all holdable copies are checked out or not available.
  2. Waiting-for-capture: an available copy is assigned to the hold. The item shows up on the Holds Pull List waiting for staff to search the shelf and capture the hold.
  3. In Transit: holds are captured at a non-pickup branch and on the way to the pick-up location.
  4. Ready-for-pick-up: holds are captured and items are on the Hold Shelf waiting for patrons to pick up. Besides capturing holds when checking in items, Evergreen matches holds with available items in your library at regular intervals. Once a matching copy is found, the item’s barcode number is assigned to the hold and the item is put on the Holds Pull List. Staff can print the Holds Pull List and search for the items on shelves.
  5. To retrieve your Holds Pull List, select CirculationPull List for Hold Requests.
  6. The Holds Pull List is displayed. You may re-sort it by clicking the column labels, e.g. Title. You can also add fields to the display by using the column picker.

The following options are available for printing the pull list:

  • Print Full Pull List prints Title, Author, Shelving Location, Call Number and Item Barcode. This method uses less paper than the alternate strategy.
  • Download CSV – This option is available from the List Actions button (adjacent to the Page “#” button) and saves all fields in the screen display to a CSV file. This file can then be opened in Excel or another spreadsheet program. This option provides more flexibility in identifying fields that should be printed.

The Holds Pull List is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear from the list. The Holds Pull List should be printed at least once a day.


Capturing Holds

Holds can be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or an item on the Holds Pull List is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, the hold slip will be printed and if the patron has chosen to be notified by email, the email notification will be sent out. The item should be put on the hold shelf.

  1. To capture a hold, select CirculationCapture Holds (or press Shift-F2).
  2. Scan or type barcode and click Submit.
  3. The following hold slip is automatically printed. If your workstation is not setup for silent printing (via Hatch), then a print window will appear.
  4. If the item should be sent to another location, a hold transit slip will be printed. If your workstation is not setup for silent printing (via Hatch), then another print window will appear.

Hold Shelf

Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds

  1. Items with Ready-for-Pickup status are on the Holds Shelf. The Holds Shelf can help you manage items on the holds shelf. To see the holds shelf list, select CirculationHolds Shelf.
  2. The Holds Shelf is displayed. Note the Actions menu is available, as in the patron record. You can cancel stale holds here.
  3. Use the column picker to add and remove fields from this display. Two fields you may want to display are Shelf Expire Time and Shelf Time.
  4. Click the Show Clearable Holds button to list expired holds, wrong-shelf holds and canceled holds only. Expired holds are holds that expired before today’s date.
  5. Click the Print Full List button if you need a printed list. To format the printout customize the Holds Shelf receipt template. This can be done in AdministrationWorkstationPrint Templates.
  6. The Clear These Holds button becomes enabled when viewing clearable holds. Click it and the expired holds will be canceled.
  7. Bring items down from the hold shelf and check them in.
  8. If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation or trigger the next hold in line.

    Hold shelf expire time is inserted when a hold achieves on-hold-shelf status. It is calculated based on the interval entered in Local AdminLibrary SettingsDefault hold shelf expire interval.

Edit Holds

  • If you want to suspend a hold or activate a suspended hold, click the appropriate action on the list. You will be prompted to confirm your action. Suspended holds have a No value in the Active? column.

    Suspended holds will not be filled but its hold position will be kept. They will automatically become active on the activation date if there is an activation date in the record. Without an activation date, the holds will remain inactive until staff or a patron activates them manually.

  • You may edit the Activation Date and Expiration Date by using the corresponding action on the Actions dropdown menu. You will be prompted to enter the new date. Use the calendar widget to choose a date, then click Apply. Use the Clear button to unset the date.
  • Hold shelf expire time is automatically recorded in the hold record when a hold is filled. You may edit this time by using the Edit Shelf Expire Time on the Actions dropdown menu. You will be prompted to enter the new date. Use the calendar widget to choose a date, then click Apply.
  • If you want to enable or disable phone notification or change the phone number, click Edit Notification Settings. You will be prompted to enter the new phone number. Make sure you enter a valid and complete phone number. The phone number is used for this hold only and can be different from the one in the patron account. It has no impact on the patron account. If you leave it blank, no phone number will be printed on the hold slip. If you want to enable or disable email notification for the hold, check Send Emails on the prompt screen.
  • Pickup location can be changed by clicking Edit Pickup Library. Click the dropdown list of all libraries and choose the new pickup location. Click Submit.
Staff can change the pickup location for holds with in-transit status. Item will be sent in transit to the new destination. Staff cannot change the pickup location once an item is on the holds shelf.
  • The item’s physical condition is recorded in the copy record as Good or Mediocre in the Quality field. You may request that your holds be filled with copies of good quality only. Click Set Desired Copy Quality on the Actions list. Make your choice in the pop-up window.

Retargeting Holds

Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from On Order to In Process. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds.

  1. View the holds for the item.
  2. Highlight all the holds for the record, which have a status of Waiting for Copy. If there are a lot of holds, it may be helpful to sort the holds by Status.
  3. Click on the head of the status column.
  4. Under Actions, select Find Another Target.
  5. A window will open asking if you are sure you would like to reset the holds for these items.
  6. Click Yes. Nothing may appear to happen, or if you are retargeting a lot of holds at once, your screen may go blank or seem to freeze for a moment while the holds are retargeted.
  7. When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted. The system will now recognize the new items as available for holds.