My friend Mary has great taste in books. How do I know? She always includes her latest book read in her email signature, and I take them as recommendations. While you may not be ready to include the books you’re reading in your emails, you – and the people who receive your emails – may find it helpful to include your primary professional information. Including your title, your library, its address and phone number in your signature increases your professional exposure, helps create community and, above all, makes it easy for people to answer your requests. Google has simple, clear instructions to add a signature to your WLS email account.

Already using a signature? How about including a profile picture in your account? You can add a photo of yourself, something that represents you, or an avatar. There are lots of options for creating avatars. Try PickaFace orĀ  DoppelMe. After all, which of these images helps you best know with whom you’re communicating?

Default User Profile Image simple white head and shoulders shape on grey backgroundGirl Avatar with light brown hair and green glassesKoala Profile Image With Glow EdgesAllison Midgley