WLS online research tools are varied and deep. From Academic OneFile and MorningStar to eLibrary Elementary and the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, it’s a challenge to stay abreast of all of the resources.

Gale, the vendor who provides Academic OneFile, Gale On-Demand TutorialsBusiness Insights: Essentials, General OneFile, Kids InfoBits, and InfoTrak Newsstand, provides help resources for staff and patrons. Today I discovered their support site. You can choose from the calendar of upcoming webinars or you can view Recorded Webinars that last about an hour and spotlight research techniques and recent enhancements. They have Tip Sheets that offer instructions and information that you can print for yourself and patrons. They even have a few Scavenger Hunts, like this one for Kids InfoBits on the theme “Dreaming.” They even have On-Demand Tutorials, short videos to get you started. You can view them in a browser on a desktop or mobile device.  You can also find links to these resources on the IT wiki’s WLS Online Research eResources page. If you don’t see what you need, post a question in the comments!