By the time the New York Times ran the story, Freegal was already featuring the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature Bob Dylan in Toronto1winner. Yes, Freegal – because, against 50/1 odds, the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. In a CNN article, Sara Danius, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, compared the iconic song writer to Homer and Sappho. “Asked where those unfamiliar with Dylan’s work should start, Danius — a professor in literature at Stockholm University– recommended his 1966 album ‘Blonde on Blonde’.” If you’re ready to get started, stream it from Freegal or start with one of his many other albums in the catalog. From his first eponymous album to his most recent 2016 “Fallen Angels,” you can stream up to three hours a day or download to keep five songs a week. If your favorite Dylan album or song wasn’t mentioned here, tell us about it in the comments.