ABCmouse from homeLibrary summer reading programs promote reading skills and help maintain student grade levels over the summer. As of this week, WLS libraries and patrons have another way to engage young learners because now ABCMouse is available at home. Remote access is available on home PCs and mobile devices. A user gets started through the ABCMouse at Home link on the WLS website’s Learn Online webpage. She sets up a simple account with her library card number and PIN and logs in for 3-week access. The site features interactive activities in a comprehensive and engaging online curriculum to assist early learners to succeed in pre-K, kindergarten, and early elementary school programs. The emphasis is on reading and math, but the site’s Map leads you to the library for easy access to science, health, and social studies books. Animals, environment, sports, and biographies that offer narration and highlighting to boost skills are all there to interest young readers – whether they’re at the library or at home.