Circulation Committee Meeting Minutes – May 2020
Circulation Committee Meeting Minutes – May 22, 2020
Temporary ILS Settings
WLS created a Patron Profile called “Corona Temporary” which can be used when registering patrons during this time. It has a 6 month expiration date and allows access to online resources. Some libraries have a different system for registering online patrons and that’s fine too. If you need to generate a random barcode for your patrons go to: Just remember to put your library’s 5 digits before that string. Then keep track of the numbers you are using. A Google Sheet is a handy tool.
- For any library card that was set to expire, those dates have been changed to August 28th.
- Any items checked out right now will NOT be marked LOST and no Lost Notices will be generated.
A helpful document can be found here:
DID YOU KNOW? Your library can go “fine free” for this time period. Just let the helpdesk know you would like to do that. Once everything returns to “normal” your library settings can be changed back.
Closed Dates Editor
Please use the Closed Dates Editor to extend your library’s closing dates. Since some libraries are now offering curbside services, WLS is no longer able to apply a due date extension to all libraries. Do not modify the closings that are already listed there. Click on “Add Closing” and enter a new range of dates. The start new start date should overlap the previous end date. Click Process Immediately and Emergency Closing.
- ** Libraries offering Curbside services can remain “closed” in Evergreen and your Pull List for Hold Requests WILL generate new holds. However, this also means that any items checked out will be due back on the next “open” date set in Evergreen. That date is also the date Holds will expire on the Holds Shelf.
- Please be aware that your Pull List for Hold Requests will now contain only your library’s items that were requested by your patrons who are picking up at your library. **
Check-in Procedure
All items that are brought into your library must be quarantined for a period of 72 hours before they can be checked in. This means returns done at your library and also items that come in through the delivery bins. It is recommended that all items are checked in with the “Amnesty Mode” Check-in Modifier for the foreseeable future.
If your library is not ready to start capturing holds for your patrons: Add the Check-in Modifier: “Capture Local Holds as Transits.” This will put your item that has a hold on it, In Transit to your library where you can hold it until you are ready to check it in normally to capture the hold.
For example: Jane Smith at OSS put The Dutch House on hold. OSS has not gotten a Curbside Pick-up procedure in place just yet but they do have staff in the building checking items in. They don’t want Jane to be notified that a hold is waiting for her to pick up when they check in The Dutch House. They click on the “Capture Local Holds as Transits” modifier. They check in The Dutch House and a slip prints out saying In Transit to OSS. The item is set aside and Jane will never know her item was checked in. **Editor’s Note: OSS is actually offering Curbside starting June 1st. This was just an example.
Patrons with Lost Items/Blocked Cards
When you become aware of a patron whose card is blocked due to lost materials, you can modify the block to become an Alert instead. This will retain the lost item information while allowing the patron to now use their card. It was recommended you add a Note to the record saying “Block temporarily removed for COVID-19.”
Unfilled Holds Reports
Lindsay or Allison will run a report of pending holds by patron library and send instructions to each library on how to access those reports. You can also clone the template at Shared Reports>Templates>lindsay.stratton>Lindsay Shared Reports (WEST)> Current Unfilled Holds by Patron Library (5.22.2020) to your own folders and run it.
Evergreen will be upgraded on June 3rd at 9PM.
There are minor, useful changes to the staff side. The test server is complete and instructions were sent about how to access the test server.
- A Parent/Guardian field was added to the Patron Registration screen. For a JUVENILE/TEEN patron that field may be useful.
- There is now a Discard/Weed option at Check In under the Actions tab.
- Mark Item Damaged now allows the amount to be changed. Change the amount, add a note, and click Submit.
- The Item Holdings Editor has been rearranged. The list of items and Save & Exit button are at the bottom.
- In the OPAC, a patron can give consent to another patron to pick up their items. This is basically an online waiver done by the patron. Staff can see and edit this field.
- Patrons can now see the owning library of their materials.
- Book carousels will be coming to the OPAC
- More information is on the Evergreen Help and FAQ IT Wiki page
Questions and Discussion
- Pending Patrons in Evergreen leaves out phone number and email. Can either of those fields be made mandatory?
Answer: not right now.
- Is your library offering limited services? Consult the IT Wiki for some guidance
- The Capira app is being updated to help with Curbside. End of June is projected date.
- Delivery will start June 1st in phases. The first phase will be to get all of the items that have been “In Transit” for months, back to their owning library to clear out the system. Once that is complete, delivery will be modified due to libraries quarantining items for 72 hours. “Normal” delivery should not be expected until the end of June at the earliest.
- Microsoft Teams Log-In
- Uses your active directory credentials
- This is a Cloud based system so you will have access to your files from anywhere.
- Magazines can be hidden in the catalog if you want.
- ILLs: The ILL Department at WLS is currently closed with no projected start date. ILLS that are waiting to be picked up at your library can still be checked out.
- Many libraries think lowering the limits on patron checkouts is a good idea.
- Please check the Circ Page on the IT Wiki to make sure your library’s representative is correct.
The next Circ Committee Meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 10, 2020, but this is subject to change. WLS will keep us informed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marie Trapasso
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