Items Cleared from Hold Shelf
This report returns items that have the status “Cleared from Hold Shelf”.
This status is applied to items that are cleared from the hold shelf using the Show Clearable Holds > Clear These Holds function. When the cleared items are subsequently scanned in Check In to return them to circulation (in transit back to their owning library or for another hold) the status will change accordingly. If holds are cleared from the shelf and the items are not processed to go back into circulation, the item status will remain Cleared from Hold Shelf. This status will prevent items from being captured for holds, going into transit, etc., and must be cleared by scanning the item in check in.
This report is used to identify and locate items that remained in the Cleared from Hold Shelf status and need to be put back into circulation.
NOTE: This template is considered a draft. Limitations and cautions noted:
- The template does not link to the hold pickup library (the most probable location of items stuck in the Cleared from Hold Shelf status). I have a bug report filed to fix this issue with the Reporter data sources.
- The report currently filters on item owning library. This will allow libraries to monitor their own items for follow up with other libraries.
- The output includes the home library of the staff person who changed the status. This is most likely, but not necessarily, the same as the hold pick up library.
- The output includes the date the status was changed. Because there is no date filter, the output may contain items that are being handled and will soon be put back into circulation.
To get more information about Cleared from Hold Shelf Items
Own items
- Run the report filtering by your own library
- If the report is empty, none of your items have the status Cleared from Hold Shelf
- If you have cleared items, proceed
- From the report output, copy the item barcode
- Paste the barcode in Item Status
- In Item Status > Quick Summary verify that the is still Cleared from Hold Shelf
- If the status is different, the item has been put back into circulation
- If the status is unchanged, proceed
- In Item Status > Holds / Transit note the Transit Destination, this is the last known location of the item
- Contact the library to find and scan your item in Check In
- If the item is not found, check your own shelves
- Optionally: mark the item missing
All items / items at your library for pickup
- Run the report filtering by all libraries
- Scan the report output for your own library in the Last Editing User Library column
- If any items were last edited at your library
- Check your hold shelf for the item
- Check your regular shelves for the item
- If found, scan the item in Check In and put back into circulation
- If not found, contact the item owning library
Feedback requested
If you use this report, please be sure to clone the template to your own folders rather than create a report based directly from the shared template. If you have feedback, please open a help desk ticket.
One specific question to think about – is the Last Editing User Library reliable enough as the pick up library to add as a filter?