Evergreen Simple Reports
Evergreen Simple Reports allows you to create often-used reports. The first time a report is built, it creates a template that can be easily edited, cloned, and run right away. Use that report to create and run other reports by simply adjusting the filters and name of the report. Evergreen Reports is still available for building complex templates and reports.
Ideal for common reports like weeding, shelflists, simple circulation
- Evergreen Simple Reports 08-17-2023 includes screenshots and added tips (printable)
- Simple Reports Training Recording 6-20-2023 sign in with your AD/VDI/Evergreen username in the long form, firstname.lastname@westchesterlibraries.org and password
To get started, go to Administration > Simple Reports. The screen has two tabs:
- My Reports
- My Outputs
The list display allows you to sort and filter reports and outputs.
There are seven parts to creating and running a report.
1. On the My Reports tab, select New.
2. In the Report Type dropdown, choose a report type.
- Circulation generally, statistical counts, not item detail
- Collection detailed lists of items or titles
- Weeding weeding lists and collection maintenance
- Patrons counts or lists associated with patrons
- Billings and Payments Transaction Summary monetary transactions similar to Evergreen Cash Reports
3. On the Display Fields tab, choose and set up the fields that will display in your report
- Select a Field Category at the left
- Common fields lists most of the fields needed for a report type
- Other categories list additional field choices
- Select a field. It will display on the right.
- You can add fields in the order that you want them to display here or reorder them after you add them
- The order here doesn’t affect the output order
- Repeat for each field that you want to include
- Use the Transform dropdown to choose a field transform that will show how you want the data to display, and in some instances, function. Most fields use Raw Data, which displays a field exactly as it appears in the database. For example,
- Call Number Label = a library’s local call number
- Owning Library Short (Policy) Name = 3-letter code
- Owning Library Name = the full library name
- Item Create Date/Time = timestamp
- Item Create Date = MM/DD/YYYY
- Item Create Year = YYYY
- Other common transforms are
- Count counts the total number of database records, e.g.
- Patron barcodes = the number of barcodes a patron has had
- Shelving locations = the number of shelving locations used
- Circulation IDs = the number of circulations (usually in a month, year, etc.)
- First Value displays a field’s earliest value e.g. a patron’s original barcode number
- Last Value displays the most recent value, e.g. a patron’s current barcode, which is different if their card was replaced
- Sum and Average display a calculated numerical value, e.g.
- total circulations in a month
- average circulations in a month
- Count counts the total number of database records, e.g.
- Select a Field Category at the left
4. On the Output Order tab, set up the order that the columns will display.
For each field, use the up/down arrows to determine the order of columns in your report from left to right. By default, a report will sort from the left-most column to the right-most in ascending order (A>Z, 1>9).
(Optional) Set the sort order by one or more columns in ascending or descending order.
5. On the Filters tab, choose and set up filters.
This limits your report output to only the data you want to include – your library’s items or patrons, a specific shelving location or dates, etc.
- Select a Filter Category at the left
- Select a filter. It will display on the right. The order doesn’t affect the way the filters work.
- Repeat for each filter that you want to include
- In the Transform dropdown, confirm or change the Transform.
- Most filter transforms match the field transforms that you chose.
- Most use Raw Data.
In the Operator dropdown, choose how you want to limit the data. Common operator choices are
- Equals for a single value for Owning, Patron, Circulation Library, Shelving Location, Status, etc
- Is Null or Is Null or Blank to find records that don’t have data like Patron Email
- Between for call number or date ranges
- Less than or equal to for dates on or before a date
- Greater than or equal to for dates after a date
- Contains substring for parts of call numbers, words like city names, addresses, etc.
- In List for multiple values like more than one Status or Library
Choose or enter a value or values for each filter to limit your report data.
- For In List multiple values: choose a value, click Add, repeat for each filter.
- If the value that you need doesn’t display, click in the filter list and type the letter that starts the name of the value. It will take you to that letter. For example, for YA Fiction, type YA.
6. On the Output Options tab, set up output options
- Choose output format
- Excel or CSV for spreadsheet
- HTML for data snapshot (email the URL)
- Choose Save and Schedule or Save the template without running it
- Click Close to go back to My Reports/Output
7. When you create a report and run it,
- The output displays in My Outputs. Select the output type to view, share, or work with the results
- The report displays in My Reports. You can
- Double-click to run, rerun, or edit the report (especially the filters) to run a new version
- Use the Actions menu or right-click to clone, edit, or delete the report.
**Deleting the report also deletes its output.**