Minutes of the WLS Circulation Committee meeting 5/10/22

Clearing Expired Holds  First, expired holds need to be scanned into Checkin with the “Clear Expired Holds” modifier turned on. (Turn it off when finished!)  This will clear the expired and canceled holds from the holds shelf.

Lost Cards When an old card is scanned at Checkout, the message Patron account retrieved with INACTIVE card displays. The best practice is to verify the patron’s identity before clicking through the alert by asking for another ID or something similar.

  • You can’t reactivate an old card number
  • You can’t check out to an inactive card (but you can look up the associated active card)

Repair/Damage/Display accounts

If you are using a Mending card or other account to designate status, you should use the actual Item Status instead.

Use the Repair/Damage status or Item On Display shelving location instead of Repair/Damage/Display accounts. Add to a bucket for easy batch editing when items are put on and taken off display. When the accounts are used, items appear as checked out in the catalog. Please check for accounts at your library: even if you aren’t using them anymore, if they have LOST items on them, they won’t be purged in the regular cycle.

Using a bucket instead of the Item Status screen lets you preserve the list in case you need it.

Evergreen 3.8 Upgrade

Due to the ransomware attack WLS has canceled live 3.8 trainings. Allison M will be sending out a video highlighting the new features. You can also access the test server to practice.

Key Features 

  • Patron Notes consolidation–Patron screen has one tab for messages. All notes, alerts and blocks will be in one place, with “depth field” options available, to select who can see the note (ie:patron, as well as just your library or all of WLS)
  • Fewer Circulation Overrides–when circ is stopped by a popup for exceeding maximum fines or checkouts, new options include “Automatically override for subsequent items,” “skip” or “cancel”
  • Sortable Pull Holds List –the option to edit the actions menu on the pull list page on the item holdings page; best used to reduce visual clutter by hiding options that the user doesn’t generally need. This is not permissions-based and can be edited by the user.
  • Updated holdings editor–”preferences” will be a column and fields are sorted by category: Identification includes the status and the barcode fields; Location includes the owning library, circulating library, and shelving location; Circulation includes the circ modifier, and the “can circulate” and “holdable” checkboxes.
  • Catalog search excludes empty records when a shelving location is selected.
  • New weeding report includes last checkin date, last due date, and YTD circulation along with total lifetime circulation.
  • Patron edit screen includes an option to email the patron a password [PIN] reset link, and a sample of how to enter the phone number (no spaces or punctuation)

“Just in Case”…Preparing for the upgrade

  • Export receipt and holdings templates to back them up
  • Clear your cache before logging into Evergreen after the upgrade
  • Consider taking screenshots of your settings
  • Patron phone numbers and PINs The Daytime Phone is now a required field, which generates the PIN. If you reset the PIN for a patron and they are still stuck, send a ticket to the helpdesk. DO NOT share the helpdesk phone number with the patron.
  • Merge replacement cards and Libby/OverDrive – When issuing a replacement card, it’s really important to ask if they use Libby/OverDrive. Patrons whose cards aren’t merged may lose access to holds and checkouts on their old card. If they do, ask the person at your library who uses Marketplace to order ebooks or contact the help desk to merge the cards.
  • Have you checked your Transit List lately? To and From your library? Are there old transits you’re not sure how to process? Transit List information. Suggestion is to process this list every two weeks
  • The WLS Help Desk is for library staff. Don’t give the phone number or email address to patrons. Submit a ticket on the patron’s behalf so IT staff can work with you.
  • Please confirm the name of your library’s committee member on the IT Wiki List. Email Allison M if a change is needed.
  • Update Hours of Operation Take a moment to make sure your library’s Hours of operation are up to date as we move into summer! Send a help desk ticket to have your hours updated by WLS.
  • Closed Dates Editor Are you closed on Memorial Day? What about the Fourth of July? Update the Closed Dates Editor so your patrons’ items won’t be due/accrue fines when you’re closed. (Admin>Local Admin>Hours of Operation)
  • Lori DePaolo suggested updating the language of the card-expiration email to a more positive tone. She will send Lindsay the proposed language.
  • Mary Black reported that WHI has an online form that allows patrons to upload proof of address to renew their library cards and it’s working well.
  • Laura Burk suggested that we remind clerks to add a note when returning damaged items to their home library, and preferably NOT checking the item in.

This meeting was recorded and is available at Microsoft Stream : Circulation Committee Meeting

You should have access if you are on a WLS /VDI computer, or login with your active directory credentials to view  the recording.

The next meeting of the Circulation Committee is scheduled for September 13. Marge Perlin is scheduled to take minutes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laura Burk

May 10, 2022