Aspen Discovery supports creating book list widgets similar to Syndetics Widgets, but created based on catalog lists or searches.

Create a book widget using a search-based Aspen Collection Spotlight

  1. Sign in to your library’s Aspen instance
  2. Initiate a blank search by clicking the Search button with out entering any search criteria
  3. Click the Library collection filter to limit the results to your library’s collections Screenshot of example library collection filter
  4. Apply search facets to get the desired results Screenshot of example search result filters
    • For example, if you want a spotlight on recently added adult fiction books, select facets:
      • Format = Book
      • Fiction / Non-Fiction = Fiction
      • Audience = Adult
      • Added in the Last = Year (or shorter time frame)
  5. Change result list Sort by to “Date Purchased Desc” for newest items first
  6. When you are satisfied with the search results, click Search Tools and select Create Spotlight Screenshot of Search Tools menu
  7. In the Create Spotlight dialog, assign the spotlight a name and click Create Spotlight; the Collection Spotlight details display
  8. The embed codes and live previews of the spotlight display at the bottom of the details page; if you are satisfied with the preview, copy the code and paste it into your website Screenshot of example embed code and preview
  9. If you are not satisfied, scroll to the top of the page and click Edit Screenshot of Edit button
  10. Adjust the settings as desired, clicking Save Changes and Stay Here to view the live preview