Circ. Committee Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2017
9:30 am

Melanie began the meeting.
• Please update your contact information whenever there are changes. Contact information for Circ. Committee members is available through a link to Google sheets provided by Allison.
• Patron account expiration date is now visible to patrons.

• WLS will no longer support Library Elf. Sirsi now handles notification 3 days before items become due. Patrons will receive email notification if they have provided an email address in address field 1. Putting the email address in address field 2 will prevent any email notification.
• Be cognizant of how long ILLs linger on the hold shelf. ILLs are loaned to WLS for a 5 week period (4 week loan plus 1 week for transit and pickup). If items are held on the shelf for too long, please adjust the loan period accordingly.
• Melanie made a list of which libraries charge fees for holds/lost cards/processing. This will be used to distribute online payments accordingly. Any libraries that collect any of these fees and weren’t represented at the circ meeting, please contact Melanie with that info.
• There is some concern about how libraries get reimbursed when a patron from another library loses an ILL. Some Circ. Departments would rather not order ILLs for patrons from other libraries. Angela will bring up this matter at the next PLDA meeting.
• Please put magazines in envelopes for transit. Use rubber bands on AV and paperbacks. NEVER USE (or say):

• Melanie made a list of libraries using Self-Check.
• Melanie asked about Credit Accounts. A few libraries use them. The limit is $20 for the credit account. Fines will automatically be paid out of the credit account (pay type CREDITACCT). To manually pay bills out of the credit account, use pay type AUTOREFUND.
• Blue Ray/DVD combos can be separated but be sure to link them to the appropriate bib. record.

Allison offered the following advice.
• Updates are constantly posted to the IT Wiki. Go there to find out who takes replacements, how to get started with VDI, and other important information.
• When VDI comes to your library it is very important that you transfer the settings folder to “my documents” before you log into Workflows for the first time. This will be explained on the IT Wiki and by WLS staff.
• VDI requires users to think about printer default settings. Allison will visit libraries to see VDI in operation so she can provide “how to” information for the IT Wiki.
• There are new reports available in Blue Cloud. Training sessions are coming up. Check with Allison.
• Mobile Circ is available for events outside the library. The devices must be able to connect to the internet. You can apply to borrow these devices on the IT Wiki.
• OSS is trying to go paperless!
• Allison offers onsite training as needed. Contact her if you have any ideas about this.

There was a discussion about lost cards. Many libraries use modify to add the new number. Old numbers can be removed using the ID manager. (See the IT wiki for instructions on how to activate this.) A few libraries use the Lost Card wizard. A patron should have only one active ID (except for STAFF).

There was a question about what to do with patron registration materials. Some libraries don’t use them. Of those that do, most check them for errors and eventually shred them.

Montrose Children’s Library is open and features a rain garden.

Different libraries have different fine thresholds that prevent borrowing. While many libraries go with the system default of $25, some libraries have lower thresholds ($10, $5, even $2).

Delivery is still under negotiation. Harold and Tony are much loved.

Meeting dates for 2018
Jan. 11 (minutes by TAR)
March 8 (minutes by PEK)
May 10 (minutes by YWI)
Sept.13 (minutes by OSS)
Nov. 8 (minutes by CHA)


Respectfully submitted by
Marge Perlin
Head of Circulation
Chappaqua Library