The Dashboards show the general usage of Aspen, including page views and exceptions.

Available Dashboards for Aspen Administrators:
  • ILS Integration
  • System Reports
  • Side Loads
  • Hoopla
  • OverDrive/Libby
  • cloudLibrary

At the top of each Dashboard is a dropdown menu for Instance to show stats for. It will be defaulted to show stats for ALL catalogs in the system, or you can select yours from the dropdown.

Important! If your library customized their instance URL, be sure to select the current URL from the drop-down!

I.e. Westchester Library System customized their URL FROM TO

The old URLs still exist in the dropdown, but you’ll want to select the newer one for accurate statistical information.

You are able to toggle the view of these reports to show the information in a graph format as well by hitting the graph icon next to the category you’d like to view. This will aslo provide you with the raw data underneath the graph.

In any of the snapshots, there is an option to view it in a graph format that will give you insight from when we went live to the present, with a new feature to download as a csv!

ILS Integration

Within Aspen Administation > ILS integration > Dashboard you can see how many patrons are logging into Aspen, submitting requests, and interacting with cataloged records. The main features of this Dashboard are:

  • User Logins – Number of users that log in to Aspen.
  • Self Registrations – Users that register through Aspen. Because self-registration is not available to our patrons, this will be empty.
  • Users Who Placed At Least One Hold – Users who placed at least one hold within Aspen.
  • Records Held – Unique number of titles or bib records with at least one hold placed on them.

System Reports

Within Aspen Administation > System Reports > Usage Dashboard you will get a snapshot of the Usage Dashboard to view usage statistics and usage for eContent services and side loaded content.

There are snapshots for categories such as:

  • Page Views – Total number of pages shown that are not by a bot and not ajax requests (pop-ups). Users can have multiple page views during one session as they navigate through pages and search results.
  • Page Views – by Authenticated Users – The exact same thing as above but by logged-in users.
  • Sessions Started – Close to number of visitors. If a patron/user’s browser cookies remember the site, then it will continue the previous session. If it is not remembered, it will create a new session. Aspen is trying to ignore pop-ups and visits from bots. This will also be less than the number of page views.
  • Page Views By Bot – Aspen has a list of bots that they check against- Google bot, Bing bot, etc. that are out checking the web.
  • Asynchronous Requests – Showing a pop-up or when menu data is laoding.
  • Covers Requested – Total number of book covers that are showing on search result pages. Includes covers shown in the item record like “More Like This” and “Series”.
  • Grouped Work Searches – Total number of searches done.
  • User List Searches – When a user searches from the “list” dropdown.
  • Errors – Whenever there is an error that pops up in Aspen, it gets logged. This number should be low. We are monitoring and have alerts set for these.

Side Loads

Within Aspen Administation > Sideloads > Dashboard view Active Users and Records Accessed Online for:

  • ComicsPlus
  • Kanopy
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Peterson’s Test Prep
  • Tumblebooks


Within Aspen Administation > Hoopla > Dashboard

What’s important to remember with these reports is that these just track user interactions with the econtent platforms done through Aspen. For full econtent reporting, you’d still want to check the data available within your econtent provider’s reporting dashboards.

These econtent dashboards have similar data offerings, including:

  • Active Users – Users within Aspen that have had successful check out or placed a successful hold.
  • Records With Usage – Records with usage is total number of unique titles that have been checked out or placed on hold. So that number should be less than the number of holds and loans combined.
  • Loans – All successful checkouts in Aspen.


Within Aspen Administation > Overdrive/Libby > Dashboard

What’s important to remember with these reports is that these just track user interactions with the econtent platforms done through Aspen. For full econtent reporting, you’d still want to check the data available within your econtent provider’s reporting dashboards.

These econtent dashboards have similar data offerings, including:

  • Active Users – Users within Aspen that have had successful check out or placed a successful hold.
  • Records With Usage – Records with usage is total number of unique titles that have been checked out or placed on hold. So that number should be less than the number of holds and loans combined.
  • Loans – All successful checkouts in Aspen.
  • Failed Loans – All unsuccessful checkouts in Aspen.
  • Holds – All suceesful holds in Aspen.
  • Cancelled Holds – Count of cancelled holds in Aspen.
  • Holds Frozen – Count of frozen (suspended) holds in Aspen.
  • Holds Thawed – Count of thawed (activated) holds in Aspen.
  • Renewals – Number of successful renewals in Aspen. Because a renewal is essentially a hold, some of those (the holds that were fulfilled and accessed via Aspen) are included in all time loans.
  • Early Returns
  • Downloads – Downloads is the number of times the download button was clicked. So, if you have a user that is using Aspen to access the read online version, there would be one click for each time they opened the book OR if a user downloaded a title on one device but then needed it downloaded on another, that would result in 2 downloads for the same title.
  • Options Updates – Updating their user preferences in Aspen’s My Account.
  • API Errors – Anytime there is an error back when accessing a record; like when placing a hold or checking out and user receives an error; if you’re noticing a lot of them, let us know; we’re not automatically monitoring these.
  • Connection Failures – OverDrive entire APIs are down.


Within Aspen Administation > cloudLibrary > Dashboard for libraries that use cloudLibrary, you will get a snapshot:

  • Active Users Users within Aspen that have had successful check out or placed a successful hold.
  • Records With Usage – Records with usage is total number of unique titles that have been checked out or placed on hold. So that number should be less than the number of holds and loans combined.
  • Loans – All successful checkouts in Aspen.
  • Holds – All suceesful holds in Aspen.