Aspen Collection Spotlight Widgets
Aspen Discovery supports creating book list widgets similar to Syndetics Widgets, but created based on catalog lists or searches.
Create a book widget using a search-based Aspen Collection Spotlight
- Sign in to your library’s Aspen instance
- Initiate a blank search by clicking the Search button with out entering any search criteria
- Click the Library collection filter to limit the results to your library’s collections
- Apply search facets to get the desired results
- For example, if you want a spotlight on recently added adult fiction books, select facets:
- Format = Book
- Fiction / Non-Fiction = Fiction
- Audience = Adult
- Added in the Last = Year (or shorter time frame)
- For example, if you want a spotlight on recently added adult fiction books, select facets:
- Change result list Sort by to “Date Purchased Desc” for newest items first
- When you are satisfied with the search results, click Search Tools and select Create Spotlight
- In the Create Spotlight dialog, assign the spotlight a name and click Create Spotlight; the Collection Spotlight details display
- More information about the fields can be found in the Aspen Help Center > Collection Spotlights page, under the Customizing Collection Spotlights tab
- The embed codes and live previews of the spotlight display at the bottom of the details page; if you are satisfied with the preview, copy the code and paste it into your website
- If you are not satisfied, scroll to the top of the page and click Edit
- Adjust the settings as desired, clicking Save Changes and Stay Here to view the live preview