Circulation Committee Meeting
June 13, 2019

Allison Midgley:

Missing and Repair Cards:
A list was sent out in April to clear missing items. Allison will resend it because at the end of the month Missing Items will be deleted. (Currently a total of 8,000+ items)

If you still have a card for Repair or Missing, PLEASE process items to “Status Damaged” and delete said card. These cards will also be deleted at the end of the Month.

Merging Patron Records:
The Primary purpose is to combine duplicate patron cards. (Look up & Merge directions will be coming soon)

Deleting Expired Patron Cards:
We are developing procedures to remove inactive patrons with very small fines or no fines.

Up-Dates & Info:
Label Printer Fix: Open Label Printer before selecting Template and correct the margins, then you can open template and print. More info will be forthcoming

3rd Party software for printers (Zprinter) requires extra steps and may fail when Evergreen gets updates.

Inactive cards: Please do not reuse any cards! (Inactive or temporary.)
The system will not allow reuse of cards.

Lost Notices:
There is an intermittent link. Wait about ½ hour then try again. If the link still cannot be accessed, call or email Allison Pryor and she will send you PDFs of the Lost Notices.

ILS Committee:
We are working to set up a process to assure tighter connection between ILS Committee and TechExperts. A form has been created to report issues. (You can access the form on the IT wiki, below the FAQs.)

Sharing Session:
Acquisitions… Once Libraries come online, pre-order titles will become available for holds.

Allison M. showed a demonstration about how a patron can manipulate their holds per suspension and activation.

Patron education is the key, it may take a minute but the patrons will leave much happier.

Cloned records show fines on all cards but can only be paid/ cleared from the primary user. Please use cloning VERY sparingly it is still being tested for effects.

Why does “NORMAL CHECK IN” pop up? This creates a problem with self-check-out. Send an example to Allison M.

Can Bronx (Local use only) cards be limited so that they can only take local materials? (Possible development issue, sent to ILS Comm.)

Success stories:
Allison M.: After years of patrons requesting this feature, it is awesome that patrons can elect to receive only emailed receipts. This is something they need to select… please give them the option.

Other Things:

When searching use “Starts with” it will give you a better result.

Please make sure that Book club cards should have the LIBRARYUSE profile.

Please use the report form on WLS Wiki for making exception reports to WLS.

A Circ Committee Contact list and TechXpert list has been sent out via email. Please update it with the correct and current information.

The Next meeting is September 12th

Please enjoy the summer!!

Ned Canora